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成人黄色网站 视频揭秘: 英国首相的一天是如何过的?

发布日期:2024-10-28 12:17    点击次数:72

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When Prime Minister David Cameron invited The Sun to follow him around for the day, he of course made sure to showcase his own domestic digs. 当大卫·卡梅伦首相邀请《太阳报》追踪拍摄他的一天,诚然了,他已确保一展我方的家

With Cameron trying to win over swing voters with a video showing just how hard it is to run the country when you've got to make food for a film crew, engage with Facebook, deal with some people called the Lib Dems and find time to eat your Weetabix, here's a list of the finer details gleaned from a day in the life of the Prime Minister: 卡梅伦正视图用这部记录片——他是如何积劳成疾的运作这个国度——来劝服那些傍边扭捏的选民投票给他:就在你为影相组准备食品,参与脸书盘问,和那些所谓的解放民主党党员(或维持者)周旋,还有找技巧吃维他麦的时候,以下便是《首相的一天》片中出色的细节:

He likes sardine, tomato and lemon sandwiches 他可爱沙丁鱼成人黄色网站,西红柿和柠檬三明治 

视频揭秘: 英国首相的一天是如何过的?

The Tory leader whipped up 'Sardines a la Cameron' for the film crew, with a dollop of mayonnaise added for that extra je ne sais quoi. 这名保守党首级给了影相组“卡梅伦独制三明治”奖励,加了一坨蛋黄酱在多出来的不知谈什么玩意的不解物体上。

And he is definitely better at eating a sandwich than Ed Miliband. 并且他皆备比埃德-米利班德吃三明治吃的优雅。

视频揭秘: 英国首相的一天是如何过的?

Cameron flawlessly takes a bite, masterly holding the slice while controlling his jaw muscles, his eyes focused on the task at hand. 卡梅伦齐全的咬了一口,驱散着他的颚肌hold住了一派,他的眼睛专注于手中的任务。


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